Imagen AI vs Aftershoot AI: Who Wins the Photo Editing Race?

Imagen AI vs Aftershoot AI: Who Wins the Photo Editing Race?

Choosing the right AI photo editor can be tough. The race for the best AI photo editing tool is on, with Imagen AI and Aftershoot neck and neck. We’ll compare their strengths (speed, customization) to see which one helps you achieve that winning edit. So, start up and discover who takes the checkered flag in the Imagen AI vs Aftershoot AI showdown.

What is Imagen AI

What is Imagen Ai

Imagen AI is an AI-powered photo editing software designed to help photographers save time and effort while achieving professional-looking results.

What is Aftershoot AI

What is Aftershoot AI

Aftershoot AI is an advanced artificial intelligence-powered tool designed to streamline and enhance the workflow of photographers by automating the culling and basic editing processes. It leverages machine learning algorithms to quickly sort through large volumes of photos, identify the best shots, and apply intelligent edits, thus saving photographers valuable time and effort.

What is the difference between image AI and aftershoot?

Both Imagen AI and Aftershoot AI are strong contenders in the AI photo editing world, but they cater to slightly different needs. Here’s a breakdown of the key differences:

Imagen ai vs Aftershoot AI Features

Choosing the right AI photo editor can be a game-changer, but with so many options available, it’s tough to know which one best suit your needs. Here’s a detailed comparison of Imagen AI and Aftershoot AI key features to help you pick your champion:

Imagen ai vs Aftershoot AI Features

Imagen ai vs Aftershoot AI Editing Style

  • Imagen AI:

  1. Pre-built “Talent Profiles”: Offers a wide variety of professionally curated styles you can apply with a single click. Great for inspiration or quick edits.
  2. Customizable Personalized Profile: This unique feature allows you to train the AI on your past edits (requires uploading a significant number of photos). Over time, it learns your preferences and creates a profile that automatically applies your signature style to new images.
  • Aftershoot AI:

  1. Trainable on Your Editing Style: Here, you upload your Lightroom catalog, and the AI analyzes your past edits. It then learns your adjustments and preferences, allowing you to achieve consistent results that mirror your own editing style.

Imagen ai vs Aftershoot AI Speed and Workflow

  • Imagen AI:

  1. Lightning Fast: Touted for its exceptional speed, Imagen AI allows for rapid batch editing, making it ideal for photographers who handle large volumes of photos.
  2. Limited Offline Functionality: Currently, Imagen AI requires an internet connection for most functionalities.
  • Aftershoot AI:
  1. Efficient Editing: While not quite as fast as Imagen AI, Aftershoot offers efficient editing with the added benefit of working offline after the initial training phase is complete. This allows for greater flexibility and location independence.

Imagen ai vs Aftershoot AI Pricing

  • Imagen AI:

Imagen AI offers flexible pricing options designed to cater to different editing needs:

  1. Pay-as-You-Go Plan: This plan charges $0.05 per photo. Additional features like cropping, straightening, smooth skin, and subject mask are available at an extra $0.01 each per photo. There is a minimum charge of $7 per month, which acts as a credit toward future edits if you don’t meet the $7 threshold in a given month.
  2. Annual Packages: For photographers who edit high volumes of photos, Imagen AI provides discounted annual packages. These packages cater to those editing 18,000, 36,000, or 72,000 images yearly, offering a price reduction of 6% to 15% per photo compared to the pay-as-you-go rate. This option is ideal for those who prefer predictable, set monthly charges and financial planning.
  • Aftershoot AI:

Aftershoot AI offers a straightforward pricing model with three main tiers designed to accommodate different levels of usage and needs for photographers:

  1. Basic Plan: $9 per month, which includes up to 1,000 photos for culling and editing.
  2. Pro Plan: $19 per month, allowing for up to 5,000 photos.
  3. Studio Plan: $29 per month, providing unlimited photos for culling and editing.

Additionally, Aftershoot offers a one-time payment option for lifetime access at $299, which is particularly beneficial for photographers with high-volume editing needs​ (Aftershoot)​​ (Aftershoot)​.

Imagen ai vs Aftershoot AI Additional Features

  • Imagen AI:

  1. Culling: Imagen AI offers a basic culling feature that helps you select the best photos from a batch.
  2. Cloud Backup: Imagen AI provides cloud backup for your edited photos, offering an extra layer of security.
  • Aftershoot AI:

  1. Batch Editing: Aftershoot allows for efficient batch editing, similar to Imagen AI.
  2. Image Organization Tools: This feature helps you organize your photos with tools like tagging and collections.

Imagen ai vs Aftershoot AI Training

  • Imagen AI:
  1. Uploads & Analyzes Your Past Edits (for personalized profile creation): This process can be time-consuming as it requires uploading a significant number of photos.
  • Aftershoot AI:
  1. Uploads Lightroom Catalog for Continuous Learning: Uploading your Lightroom catalog allows Aftershoot to continuously learn and refine its understanding of your editing style.

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choose Imagen AI if you need rapid batch editing and customizable styles but be mindful of its pay-per-image cost. opt for Aftershoot AI if you prefer a one-time fee with offline editing flexibility and robust culling features. Your decision should depend on your editing volume, budget, and need for offline access.

People Ask Questions

Can Aftershoot edit jpegs?

Yes, Aftershoot edits JPEGs. It supports both JPEG and RAW image formats.

Does Aftershoot work with Lightroom?

Yes, Aftershoot integrates with Lightroom! It doesn’t function as a direct plugin, but you can:

  • Export images from Aftershoot for editing in Lightroom.
  • Import edited Lightroom images back to Aftershoot for further culling or organization.

How long does Aftershoot take?

Aftershoot itself is very fast. The actual editing happens in seconds. However, the initial training time depends on the size of your Lightroom catalog (more photos = longer training). After that, you can edit photos offline.

Can ChatGPT generate images?

No, ChatGPT currently cannot generate images itself. However, there’s a new feature in ChatGPT Plus and Enterprise that lets you use DALL-E 3, another AI system by OpenAI, to generate images based on your descriptions.

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